Tuesday 14 February 2012

Tuning into an Inspired State of Mind

Whatever 'enlightenment' that I gain during a high, begins to fade when I come back and begin to go about life in a 'normal' state. In order to keep oneself connected to the memory of those 'revelations',  I have to keeping tuning myself to that 'inspired state of mind'. For this I use different triggers, like music or a momentary contemplation by stilling my mind and aspiring/yearning to be in that 'inspired state of mind'. However I have to be alert/awake/aware all the time that I do not slip back into the mundaneness/pettiness of my 'normal' mind. It is a bit difficult but I think that I will master it with little practice. I say a little prayer everyday before falling asleep and immediately after waking up.


  1. One might say that the "Holy Ghost" comes upon us during times of enlightenment or inspiration. There are examples in the bible where an anointing of cannabis oil can bring this enlightenment. One is the use of the chrism baptism.

  2. I found your website very useful. Could I put up some of the information from your website on my blog or show links to various articles on your website ?

  3. Yes you may use the information. I tried to source it as best I could. Thanks. Glad you found it useful !!

  4. @contemplativeprayer,

    Thanks very much. Do keep in touch.
